India has unveiled the Indian Semiconductor Mission that offers unprecedented subsidies and a conducive business environment to the major industrial entities in India which has been a shot in the arm for the Semiconductor ecosystem catapulting it on the upward trajectory in India, bolstered by the strategic governmental policies on the back of international partnership to make India a strategic and reliable entity in global semiconductor space.
The semiconductor value chain, including the design, manufacturing, and sale of final products is a complex global network, traditionally concentrated only within a handful of developed countries and therefore, the time has now come for the Indian Government to realize the economic potential and geostrategic importance of the technology over the next few decades to come.
Therefore, India has embarked on a quest to build a robust semiconductor network. Drawing lessons from the upheaval in the global semiconductor value chain post-COVID-19 pandemic, India is venturing into the entire ecosystem to research and develop fabless chip-making, design, and fabrication along with equipment supply, besides incubating a talent pool rather than just focusing on a single aspect of the industry.
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